Tuesday, June 30, 2020

DIY Asthma and Allergy Set: EpiPen

American Girl recently released an asthma and allergy set containing inhalers, allergy pills, a bracelet, an asthma action plan, a bag, an inhaler spacer, travel tissues, allergy nose spray, and an EpiPen. Dude and I have asthma of different kinds and our mom has food allergies, so I decided to recreate the kit for my doll. I started with the inhaler (picture and link at the bottom), which I found on a doll crafts website. Then I made up a design for an EpiPen. I've shared it below. 
 Cut out a 2 by 4 1/2 inch rectangle of red construction paper. This will be the EpiPen.
 Tape two craft sticks (not jumbo sized!) together.
 Wrap the paper around the craft sticks and glue the paper together. Don't glue it to the craft sticks.
 You should have a hollow tube when you're finished.
Using a hot glue gun, smear some glue on a piece of wax paper. Make the smear big enough to cover one open end of your tube. 
 Place the tube on the glue and leave it there until the glue dries. When it's dry, carefully peel it off the wax paper and pull the extra glue off the sides of the tube. The end should be filled in.
 Repeat on the other end of the tube.
 When your tube is completely filled in on both sides, it's time to decorate. Grab a black Sharpie and a silver Sharpie.
 Decorate the EpiPen in any way you like. If you've never seen an EpiPen, feel free to copy my design.
I made this inhaler based on the inhaler tutorial at American Girl Ideas. I made my doll's red because mine is red.

I'll be adding more to my DIY asthma and allergy kit soon. I hope you enjoyed this installment!

Baby Girl

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